Project Description

ICENet Dortmund

May 2018, MDH Hologram has delivered yet another live stream of a hologram from Moscow ,Russia to a German Football Museum. The head of the German National Football Team DFB, Joachin Löw, introduced Stanislav Cherchesov, the coach of the Russian Football Team to a live audience and viewers during a live tv conference and throughout youtube channel and other media.

MDH Hologram’s world-wide renown ICEMagic technology combines life-sized realism, with 3D photorealistic representation: Indistinguishable from the presenters at the venue, Cherchesov joined his German counterparts on stage for a live panel discussion as a hologram. ICEnet technology is provided exclusively by MDH Hologram using high bandwidth internet streaming on a dedicated codec solution in real-time. MDH Hologram’s team of technician facilitated this two way stream with unprecedented efficiency for an incredibly fast, real-time communication! Audiences in Dortmund, Germany and worldwide experienced the pace and magic of ICEMagic and ICEnet in this spectacular new way that has no boundaries to the future of our communication.